ESPN aired an impressive documentary last night which spotlighted the
four photographers who have worked each Super Bowl to date. The program
Keepers of the Streak provided great stories from photographers John Biever, Walter Iooss, Mickey Palmer, and Tony Tomsic on their experiences in covering this event and the massive changes they have seen in media coverage, access, and logistics since the early years and how technology has changed their profession.

Surprisingly, this otherwise excellent episode contained a blunder regarding the first Super Bowl. Around the 9 minute mark, the show covers the halftime scene from Super Bowl 1. After that, the discussion turns to how the Packers began to pull away from the Chiefs in the second half on a 37 yard touchdown pass to Max McGee. This segment which is accompanied by
NFL Films footage of that TD leads into the story of how an end zone photo taken by Iooss from that play become the cover image for the next edition of
Sports Illustrated.
One problem: The McGee 37 yard TD which was the subject of the SI cover photo
occurred in the first quarter of that game putting Green Bay up 7-0, not in the second half. McGee did score another TD of 13 yards late in the third, but the video footage on the documentary during the narration of this alleged third quarter sequence was definitely from the first quarter TD pass.
I highly recommend this documentary for the great storytelling and iconic photos. If you missed the show,
ABC will replay it at noon ET on Sat 1/24 while
ESPN2 has a scheduled re-airing at 7 pm ET on Thu 1/29.